The Chinese Association of Hercules was established in 1979. Currently, the Association has over 200 family members from Hercules, Pinole, and other nearby cities in the East Bay. The purpose of the Association is to bring together people living in Hercules and the surrounding area for the purpose of promoting the Chinese culture, sharing common interests and providing a voice for the Chinese within the community. The Association has joined in various civic events, and has organized Christmas parties, Chinese New Year banquets and other activities. Membership of the Association is open to everyone without regard to ethnicity, or place of residence.

Hercules 華人協會成立於1979年,目前有來自 Hercules、Pinole等東灣周邊城市的家庭成員200多人。

該協會的宗旨是將居住在Hercules 及周邊地區的人們聚集在一起,以弘揚中華文化,分享公 益,為社區中的華人發聲。 本會積極參與各類市民活動,舉辦聖誕晚會、農曆新年晚餐等活動。 協會的會員資格對所有人開放,不分種族或居住地。

Upcoming Events :
Dining Out – Saturday, June 29th, 2024 Join us for our upcoming bi-monthly dining-out event on Saturday, June 29th, at 6:00 p.m. We will be gathering at China Delight, located at 1501 Tara Hills Dr. in Pinole. Don’t forget to save the date and RSVP your table seating with either Kimmy at (510)799-2941 or Grace at (510)799-1271. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Annual Picnic at Refugio Valley Park in September We will have our annual picnic on Saturday, September 14 to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. The date and detail of the event will be announced later by email.

Christmas Party on December 8, 2024
Details to be announced.

Get in touch

Mailing address: P.O. Box 5253,
Hercules, CA 94547
Email address